Stephen Chen Authors Forbes Article

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Stephen Chen Authors Forbes Article

NuCompass Sr. Vice President, Technology & Secuirty, Stephen Chen, has authored an article on regarding digital transformation.

As Chen outlines in the article,  the disruption of the pandem has created an increase in digital transformation projects. He outlines six essential components that can ensure success for a company's growth initiations or digital transformations. 

Using examples from NuCompass initiatives, Chen details the advantages of creating a cutomer advisroy board, using product analytics to accelerate development , and forming a Steering Committee. He also outlines how leveraging Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) can help maintain focus. It's also important to find partners that fit the company culture to ensure execution of your goals. 

Read the full article for details on the framework to feed into your corporate straegy: "Six Essentials for Successful Execution During Digital Transformation"

Additional articles by Stephen Chen:

Four Ways Business Leaders Can Transform Customer Experience

Why Your Vendors are Partners in Better Cloud Security