New Article: "5 Musts for Restarting Talent Mobility"
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New Article: "5 Musts for Restarting Talent Mobility"
Deploying talent in the current pandemic, and as businesses return to work, requires a symphony of actions. In a recent article published by TLNT, Cara Skourtis, NuCompass Vice President, Knowledge & Experience states that, "As an employer, there are five 'musts' to ensure your talent mobility efforts assure employee safety, logistical effectiveness, supportive assistance, and cost-efficient results." The need to put the right talent in the right place didn’t go away because of the pandemic and there are 5 steps that should be considered:
- Ensure the safety and well being of employees
- Improve communication to increase relocation support
- Implement new protections for mobile employees
- Understand global impacts
- Provide additional support to relocating employees.
To see the details on the "5 Musts for Restarting Talent Mobility," read the full TLNT article here.