The Benefits of a Comprehensive Relocation Policy Review

The Benefits of a Comprehensive Relocation Policy Review

In today’s dynamic business environment, ensuring that your relocation policies are up-to-date and aligned with industry best practices is essential. NuCompass Sr. Director, Client Relations, Carol Ordway, says, “Regular reviews of your relocation policies can yield significant benefits, ranging from cost savings to improved employee satisfaction.” Let’s explore why it’s crucial to conduct regular policy reviews and offer guidance on how to do so effectively with insights into exception management and the advantages of using advanced tools like NuCompass’ CoPilot® technology.

Why Regular Policy Reviews Are Essential

  • Adaptation to Market Trends and Legislation: The relocation industry is continually evolving, influenced by changes in market conditions, tax laws, and global mobility trends. Regular policy reviews ensure that your policies remain compliant with current regulations and competitive within the marketplace. Keeping abreast of these changes can prevent costly legal issues and enhance your company's attractiveness to top talent.
  • Cost Management: Effective relocation policies can help manage and reduce costs. By analyzing the financial impact of your current policies and identifying areas of inefficiency, you can make informed adjustments that lead to significant savings. This is particularly important given that relocation expenses can represent a substantial portion of a company’s budget.
  • Employee Satisfaction and Retention: Well-structured relocation policies contribute to a positive relocation experience, which in turn boosts employee satisfaction and retention. Ensuring that your policies are fair, comprehensive, and aligned with employee needs can make a significant difference in the overall success of relocations.

How to Conduct an Effective Policy Review

  • Initial Assessment: Begin with a thorough assessment of your current policies. Evaluate their effectiveness, alignment with corporate goals, and compliance with industry standards. Ordway states, “NuCompass offers a complimentary initial policy review to help identify gaps and opportunities for improvement.”
  • Benchmarking: Compare your policies against industry benchmarks. This involves analyzing how your policies stack up against those of similar companies in your industry or region. According to Ordway, benchmarks by industry, move type, and geographical region can help you gain a strong understanding of where your policies stand.
  • Incorporate Stakeholder Feedback: Engage with various stakeholders, including HR, finance, and employees who have recently relocated, to gather feedback on your current policies. Understanding their experiences and challenges can provide valuable insights into areas that need improvement. NuCompass surveys transferees about their move experience and utilizes Net Promotor Score surveys for clients to provide valuable feedback.
  • Utilize Advanced Analytics: Leverage analytics to track trends and measure the effectiveness of your policies. NuCompass’ CoPilot platform offers robust analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing you to monitor program performance and make data-driven decisions.
  • Exception Management: Exception management is a critical component of any relocation policy review. When employees request exceptions to the policy, it’s essential to handle these requests efficiently and transparently. NuCompass’ CoPilot technology supports a streamlined approach to exception management. Policy exception requests are tracked and categorized (cost negative, cost neutral, or cost positive). Ordway states, “This automated process can identify trends and help us recommend areas where policy adjustments may be needed.”
  • Regular Updates and Reviews: Conduct policy reviews on a regular basis to ensure all policies remain relevant and effective. NuCompass integrates policy reviews into their quarterly client meetings, providing detailed overviews and analytics that reflect market trends and emerging best practices.

Key Takeaways

A comprehensive and regularly updated relocation policy is a cornerstone of an effective global mobility strategy. In summary, Ordway states, “By staying current with market trends, managing costs efficiently, and ensuring a positive employee experience, companies can enhance their competitive edge and foster a supportive environment for relocating employees.” Leveraging technology tools, like NuCompass’ CoPilot, for policy management and exception handling can also significantly streamline the process and provide valuable insights for continuous improvement.

Regular policy reviews are not just about compliance; they are about optimizing your relocation program to meet both corporate objectives and employee needs. Investing time and resources into these reviews can yield substantial long-term benefits for your organization.

About NuCompass

NuCompass Mobility is a veteran-owned, independent mobility management company, offering a comprehensive range of global mobility and U.S. domestic relocation services. For more information about how NuCompass and our CoPilot® or CoPilot Express™ platforms can support your global mobility needs, visit today!